In-house Training Opportunities

All workshops can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your team, with the option of being delivered independently or on a pick ‘n’ mix basis:

Fundraising from a Kingdom perspective - For many in society money is a taboo subject. This session helps you deep into innovative fundraising techniques rooted in a Kingdom mindset. Learn how to rally support and resources that reflect your values and mission as you overcome any obstacle you may have regarding the subject of money against the backdrop of scripture.

Thriving in challenging times – At times fundraising can feel like an uphill struggle. We can serve in an amazing church or organisation that impacts lives and be confident that our position is God ordained, but that doesn’t mean bringing in funds will be easy. This training helps you challenge, adapt and understand what practises you can adopt to help you flourish.

Beauty of unity: Successful fundraising is relational fundraising and always has a spiritual quality. This training highlights various types of connections, how we can harness them for Kingdom impact alongside recognising and utilising our network.

Grasping the generosity of God: Until we understand the immense generosity of God, we will never be able to fully convey this in its entirety to others; the danger being that a spiritual barrier will be erected minimising giving opportunities. This training is designed to help you grasp and convey God’s limitless generosity, encouraging us and our donors, to be people who mimic what He has modelled. 

Understanding the history and relevancy of tithing: This is an area of huge confusion that is rarely spoken about or taught despite the Bible having some very clear instructions. This training session explores this fascinating subject allowing room for self-analysis and discovery.

All you need to know about the world of Bid Writing: With millions given away by trusts every year, this training helps you access some of these funds by walking you through the journey and process of vision, planning your project, finding and researching funders, crafting applications and understanding the need for ongoing communications.

Let me tell you a story – Throughout history our ancestors have passed knowledge, wisdom and entertainment to the next generation via stories. They did this because stories are important as they capture your attention, fire your imagination and take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Stories are essential when fundraising! This training session will help your team with the skills and confidence to articulate your story, making it memorable and compelling those listening to action.

Talent seeking – In an incredibly competitive culture and with the world of fundraising becoming more challenging, making the right hire can be complicated. Let me guide you through this process starting with your need, tailored job description and culminating with the interview process.

Mastering public speaking - The ability to speak confidently and effectively are invaluable, especially in the context of fundraising and charity work. Having spoken to a variety of audiences, I have a wealth of experience and a real understanding of how to connect with people in diverse environments and can help your team speak boldly, create empathy and  deliver a compelling ask.